
Tromostovja Melodies – Gašper Peršl Trio

Do we still remember the controversies about Ljubljana's shame on Prešeren square in Kavarna Tromostovje? The music schedule changed radically with the month of March and mainly gained in the quality of the performers, as well as in the music itself. You are welcome to see for yourself! ~ IN CASE OF RAIN, THE EVENT...

Important information
Cafe Tromostovje, Prešernov trg, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

Do we still remember the controversies about Ljubljana's shame on Prešeren square in Kavarna Tromostovje? The music schedule changed radically with the month of March and mainly gained in the quality of the performers, as well as in the music itself. You are welcome to see for yourself!



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Gašper Peršl was born in Ljubljana in 1982, and his musical journey began in 1989, when he enrolled in the music school in Logatec, the percussion department. Prof. Matjaž Albrecht. During his studies at a junior music school, he attended professional jazz seminars at home and abroad. During his education at the Secondary School of Music and Ballet in Ljubljana, where he was enrolled in the jazz and classical department, in 1999 he took part in the Republic Competition of Young Musicians and won first place in his category. As an award, the Ministry of Education and Sports allowed him to participate in the international seminar of the Manhattan School of Music in Italy, where he was selected among 90 participants for training in New York. He collaborated with many renowned domestic and foreign musicians, both popular and jazz (Vlado Kreslin, Zoran Predin, Olivia, Ulixes, Gal Gjurin, Severa Gjurin, Eva Moškon, Lenart Krečič, Igor Bezget, Klemen Krajc, Marko Petrušič, Andrej Zupan, Matevž Smerkolj, Jure Pukl, David Jarh, Peter Mihelič, Tadej Tomšič, Žarko Prinčič, Michele Polga, Andrea Lombardini, Billy Harper, Reggie Workman, Slovenian Police Orchestra, Slovenian Army Orchestra, RTV Symphony, Slovenian Philharmonic, Greentown jazz band,...).

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