
Melodije Tromostovja – Moonlight sky

Kavarna Tromostovje in Glasbena agencija GIG vas vabita na glasbene večere v čarobnem ambientu Ljubljanice in Franceta Prešerna. Poleg odličih performensov mojstrov glasbe, lahko uživate tudi v pestri gurmanski ponudbi. Se vidimo na Melodijah Tromostovja!~ V PRIMERU SLABEGA ...

Important information
Cafe Tromostovje, Prešernov trg, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

Cafe Tromostovje and Glasbena agencija GIG vas vabita na glasbene večere v čarobnem ambientu Ljubljanice in Franceta Prešerna. Poleg odličih performensov mojstrov glasbe, lahko uživate tudi v pestri gurmanski ponudbi. Se vidimo na Melodijah Tromostovja!


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Moonlight Sky is a group that has been impressing for several years with music characterized by genre diversity. It is a mixture of different musical tastes and styles, fusion jazz, rock, blues and rhythms of world music. All this is given with a great deal of respect for musical history. In the Slovenian space, Moonlight Sky represents a special feature, as there is no band here that plays similar music. Moonlight Sky concerts are occasionally enriched with interesting guests, which gives the basic sound an additional charm and dimension.

Miha Petric – guitar
Janez Moder – bass guitar
Žiga Kožar – drums

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