
A man just for you: 9 tips to save your marriage

Photo: Envato

Ironically, here are 9 tips from a divorced man. Lessons he learned through the process of loss after divorcing his wife of 16 years. I would do many things differently now!

After the breakup, he realized how little it would take to prevent this from happening. Love and partnership it is not self-evident, when you begin to accept them in such a light, relations cool down and relationship problems follow.

Psychologist Gerald Rodgers after divorcing his wife, he realized that he had made a lot of mistakes in his marriage. He would do many things differently now, which is why he wrote advice on how to solve a marriage:

1. Choose love

That's basically the only advice you need. If you decide to love sincerely, nothing can threaten your marriage.

2. Don't worry about money

Money is a game. Find a way to work and serve as a team. This will strengthen your marriage.

I didn't know how. Now I know, but I was left alone! Photo: Christian Buehner/Unsplash

3. Grow and develop together

Find common goals, dreams and visions that will bring you together.

4. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and be open

Just be willing to tell the truth and hear it.

5. Be honest

With emotions, with words, with the heart.

6. Don't be an idiot

Don't be afraid of love, intimacy, your mistakes and hers. Understand that no one is perfect.

7. Time for fun and dates

This must never end - never take a wife for granted! Remember she chose you.

8. Protect your heart

You've vowed to protect her heart, but watch yours too. Love yourself so that others will love you.

9. Fall in love with her all over again every day

She has changed, she is no longer the way you first met her. Make her love you like she did on that fateful day. Fight for her love every day.

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