
Men who have sisters are happier and more optimistic, says science

If you have a sister, you probably already know all the downsides of this. But maybe everything is not so bleak after all, and you will thank your stubborn sister one day. A new study revealed that sisters have a positive influence on their brothers.

V research, conducted at De Montfort and Ulster Universities, found that men who grew up with sisters had more happiness in life. It filled out psychological questionnaires 571 men, aged between 17 and 25 years. Researchers have focused on a range of topics such as mental health and view of the world.

Scientists believe that sisters encourage their brothers to greater openness and communication, which is reflected in good mental health. It is very important that family members talk about their feelings. In contrast, it is typical for boys not to reveal their problems to others.

Let's love each other.
Let's love each other.

The authors of the study believe that the results could be influential to the work methods of social workers, who deal with problems in families. They are convinced that it is necessary take a different strategy based on whether we help boys or girls.

We will be grateful to the sisters.
We will be grateful to the sisters.

Guys, the next time your sister doesn't want to play soccer with you, don't get mad. In a few years you will be grateful to her for everything she has done for you.

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