
Men who marry smart women live longer

Men who marry smart women live longer. And this is not speculation, but fact based on research from the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. They found that men who are married to a smart woman suffer less from Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Even science has put its stamp on the otherwise well-known fact that appearance is not everything.

At the University of Aberdeen, Scotland came to the realization that there is a correlation between a woman's intelligence and her partner's health. Husbands of intelligent women live longer, and most also think it is their lives fuller and happier.

Looks aren't everything
Looks aren't everything.

In the vast majority, it has shown itself among men who are married to smart women less development of Alzheimer's disease and dementia. The reason is that couples in which at least one of the partners is above average intelligence spend a lot of time together mentally and physically active. Thus, many of those participants who turned out to be quite healthy stated that they devote a certain part of their time to various mental games - playing chess, solving crosswords and similar activities.

READ MORE: Thus, your birth order affects your intelligence

Mental effort potentially contributes to a longer lifespan
Mental effort potentially contributes to a longer lifespan.

It is also interesting to note that some participants were found to have brain scans signs of dementia, and no other physical symptoms were expressed in the individual's functioning. The effort to consider the importance of women's intelligence is actually a long-standing struggle of feminists that goes back far into history. Slowly the position of women is changing and their function it is no longer purely aesthetic, reproductive and domestic. But emancipation is not yet completely completed. The aforementioned research is likely to yield its own part of helping women's empowerment.

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