
Men, with these actions you hurt a woman to the bottom of her heart

If you love her, stop!

Photo: envato

Love is a complex but wonderful emotional experience. Do you ever wonder if your behavior is hurting the person you love? Do you realize how your words and actions can affect her? Maybe you are unknowingly causing her pain?

Do you ever hurt her? It often happens that a man who loves unknowingly hurts his partner. He may not understand how his actions or words affect her and thereby cause her pain.

When you hurt her

Every time you decide to put others before her, she does you hurt. If you prioritize other people when her feelings and needs come second, you are hurting her. When you are ready to help others, but you do not give her support and attention, you make her feel neglected. Each such choice is like a knife in her heart.

If you love her, stop. Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

The same applies to when you ignore her. Every time you don't answer her texts or pick up the phone when she calls you, she feels unimportant. Maybe not on purpose, but you are giving her the feeling that you don't care about her and that she is not in the first place in your life.

When you let her question your worth

You also hurt her when you neglect her and don't show her how much she means to you. When you don't notice that she made an effort for you, when you don't give her praise for her effort, or when you even tell her that she's wrong or that you don't care what she has to say, her a sense of self-confidence slowly demolishing. She feels inferior and insecure, which hurts her even more. This is when she begins to question whether she is good enough for you, and her self-esteem suffers greatly.

When you don't offer her a commitment

True love requires commitment. Even though you tell her that you love her, but you keep texting other girls or flirting with others, that's not a real commitment. If you're active on dating sites or keep in touch with ex-partners, you're showing her that you're not really committed to your relationship. Commitment means you prove to her that she is the only one for you and to behave according to your words.

If you promise her future, but you are not working on building this future together, you are giving her wrong expectations and thereby hurting her. True love is not only in words, but in the actions that follow those words.

Hug her. Photo: Ron Lach / Pexels

Words without actions

Words without action are empty and can cause even more confusion. When you tell her you love her but don't follow through on what you say, yo you hurt. While you may think your words are enough, she needs more – she needs proof in your actions.

Love her, don't hurt her

If you really love her, don't push her away when she wants to be with you. She doesn't want much - she just wants you to love her, appreciate her and show her that she is worthy your love and attention.

Don't let yours mistakes or actions destroy the relationship with her. If you love her, prove it with your actions and make her know how precious she is to you.

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