
Men's Fashion Trend 2014: Plimsolls

Comfortable. Cool. Urban. These are plimsolls, footwear with light canvas on the top and durable rubber on the bottom. They first came to life in 1830, when the Liverpool Ruber company developed them as footwear for the beach. Since then, plimsolls have seen many revivals, and their popularity only continues to grow. Here, they revived the hit of the 80s - "starters", classic chic "allstar" and street "vans".

At first they were called just "sand shoes", and in 1870 they got their current title plimsolls. Usually color line between top and bottom should be reminiscent of homonymous mark on ships as far as the water can reach. In the 1970s and 1980s, plimsolls became part of the compulsory British school uniform and as uniform footwear in those there prisons, making them suddenly popular.

Today they are found in in a wide variety of styles, shapes and colors – from classic white or black, with thin or thick soles, low or high, denim or pastel to graffiti or floral patterns and neon colors. No matter which plimsolls we choose, they will definitely become you an indispensable fashion item for spring and summer days.

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