
Men's knitted jackets 2016, in which you will not be like your grandfather

Why do grandfathers always wear knitted jumpers? Because of this, many boys and men do not find it necessary to waste time buying such a jacket and prefer to go for some other alternative. But not everything is so black. Men's knit sweaters can look great even on younger men, and to prove it, we've picked men's knit sweaters 2016 that will definitely keep you from looking like a grandpa.

We chose men's knitted sweaters 2016, in which you will be fashionable and youthful. Some are suitable for every day, others for a more special occasion, but in no case do they even remotely resemble your grandfather or suggest that you have lost your fashion compass. While tailored cashmere jumpers will give you elegant appearance, more casual jackets will emphasize your sense of fashion and layering clothes.

READ MORE: These men prove that style is eternal!

Gallery - men's knitted jackets 2016

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