
Menswear Dog: A fashion dog who earns over $15,000 a month

We wonder what it says about the world that somewhere - New York to be exact - there is a dog (a five-year-old Shiba Inu named Bhodi) who makes $15,000 a month and who dresses better than many men. A rich and well-dressed New Yorker - Menswear Dog sounds like quite the catch!

Bodhi he is a five-year-old dog Shiba Inu breed – Japan's most popular indigenous breeds. In April 2013, they became its owners fashion designer Yena Kim and graphic designer David Fung dressed in men's clothes for a joke, and it turned out that Bodhi was a born poser. His popularity on social media grew and a project was born Menswear Dog.

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Menswear Dog is fashion blog, where tastefully selected men's clothes are worn by a dog. Both he and his owner are possessed good taste in dressing, so it's no wonder that the blog has become extremely popular and profitable.

A Shiba Inu + two stylists = a successful Menswear Dog fashion blog
A Shiba Inu + two stylists = a successful Menswear Dog fashion blog

How profitable is the Menswear Dog blog really? So much so that it is the New York design couple called it quits and devoted himself completely to the unconventional project that brings them a month over $15,000 in earnings. Namely, Bodhi cooperates with recognized fashion names such as Coach, Salvatore Ferragamo and Brooks Brothers.

See photos of Bodhi the dog from the fashion blog Menswear Dog in our gallery!

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More information:
mensweardog.tumblr.com and facebook.com/themensweardog

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