
Mercedes-AMG GT C Coupé – for an even more versatile AMG GT series

Mercedes-AMG GT C Coupé

The Mercedes-AMG GT has been on the market for less than two and a half years, yet it already has so many models behind it that others can only dream of such a number. It is clearly following in the footsteps of the extremely diverse Porsche 911 series and wants to catch up as soon as possible. We're guessing. We do not guess that the Mercedes-AMG GT C Coupé is joining the six, which is positioned between the Mercedes-AMG GT S and GT R models. At the NAISA 2017 auto show in Detroit, Mercedes also announced the renewal of the standard AMG GT models.

Mercedes-AMG GT C Coupé se pridružuje modelu AMG GT C Roadster, ki ga je nemška znamka iz Stuttgarta predstavila lani v Parizu. Coupé bo sprva na voljo le v omejeni seriji Edition 50, s katero bodo proslavili abrahama. Za 57 milimetrov je širši od različic GT and GTS S. Zrasla mu je tudi ”noga”.

Ima namreč večja kolesa in širše koloteke, kar mu nudi boljši oprijem na ovinkih. Podvozje je športno s prilagodljivimi blažilniki. Krmiljenje je štirikolesno, kar pomeni, da levo in desno zavijajo vsa štiri kolesa, tudi zadnji dve.

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Mercedes-AMG GT C je dobil večja kolesa.
Mercedes-AMG GT C je dobil večja kolesa.

Izboljšali so mu pretok zraka in vpregli 4-litrski turbobencinski motor V8, which vomits 557 hp in 680 Nm navora. To mu omogoča hitrosti do 315 km/h in pospešek 3,7 sekunde od 0 do 100 km/h.

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