
Mercedes-Benz All-Terrain 4×4²: the most off-road E-Class

Mercedes-Benz E-class All-Terrain 4x4²

Mercedes-Benz has significantly expanded the range of vehicles in the E class. Among them is the All-Terrain model, which is the most direct competitor to Audi's Allroad. Most of these off-road versions of passenger cars will never see more challenging terrain, but the up-and-coming engineers surprised us with the most off-road Mercedes E-Class ever. Introducing the Mercedes-Benz E-class All-Terrain 4x4².

Mercedes-Benz Eclass All-Terrain 4×4² is the most incredible example of an E-class that a Mercedes engineer could imagine Jürgen Eberle. Apparently, his love for cars is so great that, despite his professional connection, they still represent him a hobby. This is how this exceptional example was created, for now only as a corner concept, but it cannot be said twice that it will remain the same.

All-Terrain 4×4² is a kind of collection of Mercedes-Benz know-how. They took the class as a basis E All-Terrain. They built into it 3.5-liter V6 motor with 328 horsepower, and installed the chassis under the car, as it has Mercedes G500 4×4². The concept is almost higher than the standard All-Terrain 4 cm and what 20 cm wider. The distance from the ground is thus 40 cm and is able to transport half a meter deep water. If we ever see this SUV on the road, we will of course be left speechless, because it's crazy impressive, if not attractively sexy.


Image gallery: Mercedes-Benz E-class All-Terrain 4×4²

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