
Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Ljubljana 2015: Behind the scenes

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Ljubljana

The birds are already chirping that the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Ljubljana 2015 took place in Ljubljana. It was a big event for all fashion enthusiasts and we have probably all seen at least one photo of either exceptional models or people who enthusiastically posed in front of the photo wall. The fashion week in Ljubljana was definitely a success, as it more than impressed the fashion connoisseurs who finally got their money's worth - a fashion treat was waiting for them right on their doorstep, as the fashion week mostly took place in Cankarjev Dom. Are you curious about what happened behind the scenes?

It's behind us premier Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Ljubljana. Are you curious about what was going on behind the scenes? What does it take to prepare such a meticulously designed fashion event? Or interesting incidents that happened safely out of sight of the audience? Then read on!

A glimpse from the premier Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Ljubljana
A glimpse from the premier Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Ljubljana

If you've been following at least a little bit happening at fashion week, you probably know what happened - the main award for promising fashion designer went to Sara Valenci, in addition to that two awards were given for outstanding achievements, we were able to see quite a few interesting and aesthetically perfect fashion shows and an interesting a fashion installation by Marko Mitanovski.

But what was going on behind the scenes? What is the recipe for preparing such a fashionable treat? In any case, the first necessary ingredient is perfect organization and a heap of creativity, all of which must be poured with a heap of hard work and then spiced up with a dash of genius vision.

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The fact that the fashion week was such a success is due to quite a few people - from the organizers of the Pristop agency event to the head of the creative design of the entire project Saša Radoviča and his five-member team, who behind the scenes made sure that everything ran smoothly and that our fashionable palates came to your account. However, we must not forget the main sponsor who made all this possible - Mercedes-Benz.

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Ljubljana was a great success.
Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Ljubljana was a great success.

But here the enumeration only begins - they were needed excellent make-up artists and maskers, dressers, photographers, hostesses, waiters, technical support, and we could go on and on.. But all of them were here to highlight the creations of fashion designers, who of course showed off their creations on shapely models who walked confidently and added the finishing touches to the fashion week with all their charms.

A not all glamor is what it seems – for Marko Mitanovski's installation, the models had been in the mask for several hours before the audience began to admire them. Then they had to be in a motionless pose for over an hour - while three of them were hanging from the ceiling! After the event, the models were of one mind - that was for sure the hardest work so far. Standing for an hour without moving in high heels, under the spotlight, with a powerful mask on a rotating platform, where you just hope not to lose your balance and move (or worse, fly off the floor!) is definitely not a cat's cough. Immediately after the end of the installation, while they were quickly taking off their shoes, they said that although it was extremely tiring, it was worth it - you rarely get to attend such an interesting fashion installation.

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Ljubljana was a real treat for fashion enthusiasts.
Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Ljubljana was a real treat for fashion enthusiasts.

So we found that being a model is by no means what we might have imagined until now. The girls are true professionals and were already at the scene of the crime in the early hours of the morning, as the last fitting (fitting of clothes) was needed, then the inspection of the scene, coordination, soon came the turn of make-up and then dressing (which is often not as easy as looks!). And only here comes the part that the viewers see - how they confidently parade down the catwalk, as if it were the easiest thing in the world, even if they lose a shoe on the way, as happened to one of them last night. The girl reacted so professionally that if you hadn't seen the shoe left on the runway, you wouldn't have noticed that she was walking on her toes with one foot while the other was still on. All we can say is – hats off!

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Ljubljana offered Slovenians something never seen before.
Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Ljubljana offered Slovenians something never seen before.

There is no difference in terms of organization - that all spectators arrived on time at the agreed place for the start of the installation and then beyond 7 minutes ahead, because the next group was already coming. It took quite a few people from backstage, who directed people through the corridors and communicated with each other at all times, so that everything went smoothly. And, of course, the entire technical team, who had to precisely coordinate the music, the lights and the film, which was playing in the background, minute by minute.

There are many more such examples - and each of the people who attended the fashion week was an important stone in the mosaic of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Ljubljana, which it was not only an important event from the point of view of fashion, but certainly also from the point of view of professionalism and organization.
We are already looking forward to Fashion Week 2016! And models too, I'm blistering though.

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