
Mercedes-Benz S Cabriolet: modern luxury and elegance

Mercedes-Benz S Cabriolet

With its unmistakable design and high-quality materials, the Mercedes-Benz S-Class Cabriolet embodies the German vision of modern luxury and elegance. It also embodies advanced driving technology combined with comfort and performance.

New ones Mercedes-Benz S-Class Cabriolet boasts taillights that shine in perfectly OLED technology. When using this technology, extremely thin layers are printed on the glass natural material and make them glow. 66 such ultra-thin OLED lights "float" in the light, and together they form homogeneous light signature. They show their performance especially when unlocking and locking the car.

The interior is refreshed, with a slightly larger selection of leather upholstery and new types of wood, including walnut, magnolia and more. They are behind the wheel two high-resolution screens, who are hiding behind a common glass. Here, Mercedes allows us to choose the display of gauges and other digital displays. We can choose between classic, sporty or advanced setting. The new steering wheel has kept up with the times, and so can be found on it now scroll keys, as already introduced by the Mercedes-Benz E-Class.

An interesting addition to the Cabriolet is a connection that enables communication between the car user and Mercedes customer center. With their help you can do restaurant reservation, get information about tourist spots, get information about cultural or sporting events, but you can too they send the final destination directly into the navigation system.


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