
Mercedes-Benz Vision Tokyo: when you can drive a car without a test!

Mercedes-Benz Vision Tokyo

Mercedes-Benz prepared Vision Tokyo for the Tokyo Motor Show 2015, which is considered one of the most futuristic auto shows in the world. It presents the visions of engineers and designers who gave free rein to their imaginations and ignored the technological limitations of the present. This is also the case with Vision Tokyo, an autonomous vehicle that will make you no longer register the congestion on the road, and a car that you will be able to "drive" even without a test.

Mercedes-Benz is his vision of the future Vision Tokyo booked for the 2015 Tokyo Motor Show, which will offer visitors a good insight into automotive future. It is a minivan study for big cities, dedicated generation Z, i.e. to everyone born after 1995, and to cities where they are drowning in traffic. A fully capable car autonomous driving, the Germans have been planning to send to the market for years 2020. This means that the driver will actually be superfluous in city driving, and will be replaced by a constellation of sensors and 360 degree camera on the roof, which controls the action and adjusts the speed.

A toxic study that could become a serial model as early as 2020.
A toxic study that could become a serial model as early as 2020.

At least that's what we can conclude if we read the future from the Vision Tokyo study. Its interior is therefore more like a hangout space than a passenger cabin and a party for five people. Apart from the driver's seat (which only becomes so when the backrest is raised, while the steering wheel sinks into the dashboard during autonomous driving), nothing smells like a car anymore. Instead of seats and benches, it's here horseshoe-shaped sofa, surrounded by LCD screens, and the contents are shown to passengers via 3D holograms. Technology is teachable, but there is only one door, namely lifting.

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The 4.8-meter-long Mercedes-Benz Vision Tokyo with illuminated 26-inch wheels is hybrid, which does not leave behind any emissions, as it combines a set of batteries and fuel cells, offering around 980 kilometers of autonomy, with the battery holding 190 of them (wireless charging option). It has instead of a windshield glass belt, typical of racing boats, and the cooling mask offers various illuminations, including this one in the rhythm of the audio system.

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