
Mercedes-Benz with a house battery in the footsteps of Tesla

Mercedes house battery

It somehow seems logical for Tesla to offer home batteries, but it was a little less to be expected from Mercedes-Benz. Thus, Tesla's Powerwall home battery is now joined by a home battery from a car brand owned by the Daimler conglomerate. It will offer batteries with a three-pointed star on the "chest" as early as September 2015. These were also originally developed for Mercedes electric vehicles, but now households will also benefit from them for producing their own electricity from renewable energy sources.

Ice is with solar powered house battery punctured car brand Tesla, and now he is also bravely following in her footsteps Daimler, which will be under house battery set the name of his car brand Mercedes-Benz. Modular batteries for households will have capacity of 2.5 kilowatt hours, and together we will be able to connect the most eight units. Total it applies power of 20 kilowatt hours. Given that Tesla has set the price threshold relatively low (at 3100 euros), it can be expected that the price of the Mercedes house battery will also be somewhere in this range, although the number is not actually known yet. That's why you can pre-order through their affiliate Accumotive.

READ MORE: Tesla with batteries that store solar energy and will change the course of history

The Mercedes house battery works according to the same principle as Tesla, i.e. through solar cells collects solar energy and keeps it diligently. Accumulated energy is not only convenient when we run out of electricity, but also during the hours when electricity prices are the highest. This way you can let's calculate the electricity bill, and the investment is paid back that much faster. In addition, he is not over the feeling self-sufficiency! And because Tesla can't keep up with the demand for these types of batteries, they are buyers looted, it seems that with this move, the ax will also fall in the middle of Daimler. And a little competition in the market never hurts either. But they probably won't be alone for long.

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