
A message that needs your attention


In Slovenia, around 1,400 women and 10 men suffer from breast cancer. More than 400 women and two men lose their battle with the disease.

Awareness of the importance of regular prevention and a healthy lifestyle is therefore crucial. They are also aware of this at the company HOFER, where they are implementing the project for the 5th year in a row PINK OCTOBER.

Prevention in three steps:


Regular monthly self-examination of the breasts contributes to the early detection of cancerous changes and thus to greater success of treatment. We can help with this with a free application BREAST TEST.

Active lifestyle

Make movement a part of our everyday life. At least activity in the form of better habits is recommended: the elevator should be replaced by stairs, shorter distances should be covered on foot or by bicycle.

A varied diet
They are also a good addition to a varied menu champignons. For every pink package of champignons purchased in the month of October, HOFER will donate 10 cents to Europa Donna Slovenian Associationyes.

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