
City of Goga

The main square of Novo Mesto is being transformed into the city of Goga for six days: from 10 am onwards, an outdoor bookstore will be open every day; we will be able to take refuge in a reading oasis or drink aromatic poetry coffee in the bookstore, the Situla hostel or Lokal Patriot. The intervention in the urban space will also find its expression in the project Messages ...

Important information
Mestni trg in druge lokacije, Novo mesto
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Glavni novomeški trg se za šest dni spreminja v mesto Goga: od 10. ure dalje bo vsak dan na prostem odprta knjigarna; zatekli se bomo lahko v bralno oazo ali popili aromatično kavo poezije v knjigarni, hostlu Situla ali v Lokalu Patriot. Intervencija v urbani prostor bo dobila svoj izraz še v projektu Sporočila dreves in otroški kotiček. 


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