The main festival sections - performance, film, stage and music - are becoming richer every year in the City of Women. It is almost impossible to present the entire program, but we are already convinced by a handful of this year's guests. Chimawoman, for example, convinces us with music, La Pocha Nostra with acting. They are very strong...
Poglavitni festivalski sklopi – performans, film, oder in glasba – postajajo v Mestu žensk z vsakim letom bogatejši. Celotni program je skoraj nemogoče predstaviti, a nas prepriča že peščica letošnjih gostov. Chimawoman nas, na primer, prepriča z glasbo, La Pocha Nostra z igro. Zelo močno so zastopani performansi, posvečen jim je celo en dan. Če se bomo tako v petek, 7. oktobra, sprehodili po središču mesta, lahko ujamemo številne ulične performanse.