
City of Women - Abracadabra

The main festival sections - performance, film, stage and music - are becoming richer every year in the City of Women. It is almost impossible to present the entire program, but we are already convinced by a handful of this year's guests. Chimawoman, for example, convinces us with music, La Pocha Nostra with acting. They are very strong...

Important information
različna prizorišča, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Poglavitni festivalski sklopi – performans, film, oder in glasba – postajajo v Mestu žensk z vsakim letom bogatejši. Celotni program je skoraj nemogoče predstaviti, a nas prepriča že peščica letošnjih gostov. Chimawoman nas, na primer, prepriča z glasbo, La Pocha Nostra z igro. Zelo močno so zastopani performansi, posvečen jim je celo en dan. Če se bomo tako v petek, 7. oktobra, sprehodili po središču mesta, lahko ujamemo številne ulične performanse.

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