
Microbreweries with maxi-sized beer in Slovenia

Pelicon Brewery

Many argue that beer has too little importance in cuisine. It is not only a good thirst-quenching drink, it is also an excellent companion to food. But that's why we need more brewing diversity.

And there is no lack of it here, even if at first glance it seems that we all drink the first or the second. V Slovenia there are more than thirty mini- and microbreweries, behind which are hidden interesting stories and even more interesting tastes. Some are led Czech or Bavarian knowledge, others are self-taught, but everywhere there is a good measure of innovation.

1. Human Fish Brewery
Human Fish Brewery has an interesting story. If you wanted to sum it up in one sentence, you could say that this beer is an Australian idea, with an American style of brewing that is created on Slovenian soil. The Australian Matthew Charlesworth is behind the idea, who has been testing the knowledge he gathered in America for the fifth year in Slovenia, where he was joined by Jaša Zidar and Jan Ledinek. The story began in Slovenj Gradac, and last year the microbrewery moved to Vrhnika, where Matthew, who took the name Šepetalec kvasu, lives with his family. Light ale beer is now produced here, for the production of which only Savinja hops are used. The taste of this beer is also different. Irish yeast esters give it a slight fruity taste. In production, they also like to experiment a little, surprising with a different line every few weeks.


A vision
Human Fish Brewery's vision is to help change the beer drinking culture in Slovenia, and at the same time they want to become one of the leading microbreweries in Europe. Currently, they are the only brewery that organizes tours and tastings, where guests learn all about the ingredients and learn the secrets of brewing beer.

2. Kratochwill
In November, it will be twenty years since Kratochwill beer came from the brotherly hands of Milet and Markot. Then they bought the technology and were taken to the UK by a master brewer from the Czech Republic. They tested, tested and wrote down, and came up with recipes and a process that they still follow today. Even the basic ingredients are the same - the hops and malt are Czech, and the water is Slovenian. The craftsman from the Czech Republic still plays a large role, and local employees take care of constant supervision during the process.

Kratochwill Brewery
Kratochwill Brewery

They offer light, dark, honey and champagne beer. Light Pilsner has a full yellow color and a pleasant taste, where the aroma of hops is quite intense. Dark Porter is medium-sweet or dry, with a touch of hops and a more pronounced taste of coffee or chocolate. Honey beer is light, the addition of chestnut honey gives it a sweeter taste. Champagne beer can be chosen between light, honey and dark.


Last year in the Czech Republic, the Kratochwill brewery won third place among as many as five hundred candidates with its dark champagne beer. Recently, they also received a red dot award for the honey beer packaging.

"Recently Kratochwill Brewery won a red dot award for its sophisticated honey beer packaging design."

3. Lukoviška Rokovnjač
Lukovica has a rich brewing history, beer was brewed here as early as 1830. In 2005, the business decided to revive Vinko Pirnat ‒ Cene, who is the alpha and omega of Pivovarna Lukovica, the only employee and the one behind Rokovnjač. This is the name of unfiltered and unpasteurized beer from Lukovica. According to old Czech-German recipes, with a touch of Cenet's innovation, light and dark lager are produced, and on occasion something a little more experimental, such as smoked or honey beer, is produced. The light lager has a fresh taste of hops - Savinja Golding, while the dark lager has a distinct taste of white coffee. According to Cene, older people say it reminds them of the beer their grandmothers used to brew.


An interesting fact
The Lukovica Brewery brews 1,500 to 2,000 liters of beer per month. They use only barley malt, hops from Savinjska dolina and brewer's yeast. The key ingredient, they say, is the water that flows from under Limbarska gora.

4. Adam Ravbar
"There is no better beer in Carniola than Adam Ravbar brews! To verify this rumor, come see Rodica. Once you try it, you'll sing its praises all day long." This is how the guest is greeted at Rodica, where the Adam Ravbar Brewery is located, named after the manor house from the nearby Krumperk Castle. They brew light and dark beer, the latter based on caramel malt. The main ingredient, beer malt, is obtained from the Czech Republic, and the hops are Slovenian. Due to the fullness of the taste, one can feel that their recipe is typical for Czech beers. 22,500 liters of beer can be brewed at Rodica at one time, otherwise around 90,000 liters flow in per year. We can also try this next to the brewery, where the beer hall is located.


The first small brewery
Adam Ravbar is considered the first small brewery in our country. Beer has been brewed here since 1991, according to the original Czech recipe mastered by a master brewer from Prague.

5. Pelicon
Pivovarna Pelicon may not belong to this selection according to certain criteria, as we cannot currently try their beer, but it is a unique idea, even on a European scale. The story goes something like this: Pivovarna Pelicon is a young team of gourmets, bloggers, writers, wine and beer lovers from Ajdovščina with a vision of establishing a craft brewery, which decided to implement the business idea with the help of the Kickstarter platform.

It is the first Slovenian and European brewery to start up in the aforementioned way. Their vision includes the best ingredients, they will strive for sustainable methods. Currently, they are constantly renovating the place, and here and there they organize some Beermania, tasting evenings of Pivovarna Pelicon. Soon, all the necessary equipment will arrive at the premises of the new brewery, and during this time they are brewing recipes and testing raw materials.


Harmonious pale ale
If we can't try it yet, we're curious to see what the Pelicon beers will be like. "We will brew ale, toso, and top fermentation beers. We are currently testing a harmonious pale ale beer with Slovenian hops and fruity notes in the laboratory, and we are very satisfied," says Anita Lozar from Pelicon.

6. Flora pub
It's December Flora pub, located right next to the Italian border, celebrated its seventh birthday. As they say, at first the idea of owning a brewery raised more questions than answers, because the idea of owning beer was accompanied by the idea of owning the entire equipment for brewing beer. So here we can talk about the complete concept of Slovenian beer. At the same time as the equipment was being manufactured, they also started developing the idea of a home-style restaurant with the touch of a typical pub. Today at Flora we can try light, dark and also honey beer. On special occasions, they also brew top-boiled beer and red beer. Beer from Pivnica Flora has a full and rich taste, thanks to the right balance between sweet and bitter. A sip leaves a slightly sweeter tone in the mouth with an emphasis on caramel and fruit, while the bitterness lingers in the throat for only a short time.


Knowledge about brewing beer was acquired in Pivnica Flora from visiting famous fairs, literature and through consultations with good brewers. Then began, as they say, the thorny path of making equipment, and after many trials, errors and corrections, it got its final shape.

"Initially, the idea gave rise to more questions than answers, as the thought of Pivnice Flora's own beer was accompanied by the thought of making its own brewing equipment."

Gallery of Slovenian beers:

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