
Microsoft with an interactive billboard that corrects people's attitudes

Microsoft is fixing people's attitudes

Bad posture is often the result of various accidents, but just as often it develops from bad habits. One such is carrying backpacks, bags, sacks, etc. Poor posture, on the other hand, accelerates aging and has lasting health consequences.

Importance with upright posture they emphasize their position, and standing upright is much more than showing off; it is also an elixir of health. He is also aware of this Microsoft, which is in the capital of Sweden Stockholm set up an interactive billboard that corrects people's attitudes. Have you ever found yourself in a slouched position while sitting at a desk, at a computer? But if you thought this was the only example of bad posture, you'd be right.

Microsoft also cares about your posture.
Microsoft also cares about your posture.

You also behave "ugly". while wearing a backpack (just think how many times you wear it slung over one shoulder or low on your back), bag(s) or shopping bags. Microsoft's digital ad wants to put an end to that and random bystanders analyzes posture in real time and suggests posture corrections.

READ MORE: Microsoft Pre-Touch: a touch screen that is controlled remotely

Microsoft used the interactive ad to run kinetic technology, but occasionally he is also present in the field chiropractor, which advises passers-by on how to properly carry bags, backpacks, etc. relieve the pressure on the structures of the spine, ligaments and muscles.

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