Photo: Freepik (Andriimedvediuk)

The middle child is the smartest: it's also the strongest, and that's why!

The first child usually gets all the love and attention, and if you happen to be of the same gender and your parents really wanted to have a daughter after a son or vice versa, you've pretty much got a "bad ticket" for life. Chances are that you will be invisible in everything and will always inherit things from your older brother or sister.

The first bike will be the red pony that your older sister "rided". For the minutes spent with the new game, you will have to pray to the older brother who has already managed to make all the rooms. There is no real satisfaction in keeping a new color on the wheel, nor is there a pleasant excitement before starting each room in the game.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, even if it's the sneakers you inherited from your brother or the ice cream you had to give your little sister so she wouldn't cry. Because we, the children born in the middle, know what the struggle is! Caught between two fires, we learned from the very beginning how to be resilient, and in at least 11 things we became stronger and better than both younger and older!

1. Comparison with an older brother/sister from the first moment in diapers

Mom and dad wanted another child. Unfortunately for you, it happened that they had a girl after a girl, and a son after a son. Nothing from a cute little girl. Mom's dream of a pink baby dress has failed. Nothing from the heirs of the surname. The father will make a third child if necessary, just to have a son. Your existence in this world is accepted with love, but nothing you do will be wonderful and fairy-tale, because the first joys of parenthood went with an older child.

They are used to crying from the crib, so in the future you will not be able to get what you want with tears. When the third luck comes into your life, don't forget that you will have to surrender to the younger "cmer" in everything, but really in everything. It's your parents' last-ditch effort to have a daughter or a son, or it's the aftermath of a dinner when dad relaxed a little and mom was in a good mood.

2. Everything the middle child does is marked as disobedience

Problem child, penance for every grandmother, hyperactive... these are all epithets that need to get used to. Whatever you do will be considered a sign of rebellion. You will never be responsible enough like an older child or cute enough to escape punishment like a younger child when you break your knee, head, vase, car, bike, window, door, drawer, cupboard, plate, glass or god no, TV.

3. Resilience, this is your virtue!

The middle child is bulletproof! When the old and the young unite against you, receive them ready! For years you've been recording which toys are their weakness because they don't want to share them with you. You know which shirts you shouldn't touch, as well as which shelves in the room. You know all their mistakes and so you wait, ready. Approach the older one with a smile, and adopt the younger one into your team. They have no chance! The age difference between the oldest and the youngest is the weak point of this hostile alliance. It won't take long!


4. Being in the middle offers tactical advantages that your siblings can only dream of

When they visit the rich uncle, the elders will have to talk about how he is doing at school and whether they listen to mom and dad. The younger ones will attract the attention of the aunt, who loves to pinch their cheeks, but the middle ones? Where is the middle one? If you don't like that wonderful family gathering, you have an invisibility cloak to disappear!

5. Attacks come from all sides, you are used to it

The state of constant readiness is like saying "good morning" to you. A Mossad agent is a baby to you. You are used to attacks from all sides. Your older sister will drink your blood to the last drop, and your younger brother will always be a cute baby, even if he is already in his thirties and "built" like Ronaldo on the beach. You better find out who and what you are quickly, because there will be no mercy. You may have been awarded a weaker ticket in life, but you rise from the family table as the ultimate poker player.

6. There are no equals in fights!

Nobody loves a good fight like a middle child. There's no way they'll get under your skin. Accustomed to constant conflicts, you grow into people who turn every quarrel into their own triumph. You've seen it all before, it's hard to surprise you. Just let them try to challenge the middle child and they will see!


7. Children born in the middle have a strong personality

For everything you want, you have to work twice as hard. When you're the unnoticed child, caught between two beautiful, talented, and above all, smart siblings, getting attention is like riding a bike. Learn it once and never forget it. You have no choice! Either you will be outstanding in everything you do, or you will be insignificant.

8. Your greatest asset is pure logic

Negotiation skills, if on the other hand we have parents with whom it is even possible to negotiate, are developed at an early age. There is no excuse "... but I'm older" or "... I'm still small". The only thing that gets through is the power of common sense. Using rational arguments, you try to help your own parents make decisions in your favor.

9. Nothing is handed to you on a platter, you have to fight for everything

Is there a better way to achieve goals? No! You grow up to be a person who doesn't believe in luck, but in the fact that you have to earn everything in life yourself. There is no different reality for you.


10. Selfish, possessive, stingy - that's not who you are!

When nothing is only yours, nothing is difficult to lend you, but absolutely nothing! Old skates from your brother? No problem. A new scooter from your sister? Also, if it gets scratched, you're not the one who will have to fix it. Children born in the middle love to share. They are truly selfless when it comes to material things. They know what's important in life, and it's not new, big things.

11. You are not used to compliments

You don't fall for praise and tolerate criticism relatively well! Your parents started all the praise for the miracle of the first child and they definitely "got along" with you in this area. They tried to fix that with the younger one, leaving you shortchanged in the praise department. The result? You don't need compliments. Don't live for the praise of others. You rely on your own strength in life and are not interested in other people's opinions.

The only thing a child born in the middle does not allow anyone (especially when he grows up) is to hurt the strong and smart child that we all carry inside us - our souls.

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