
Wednesday fairy hour and creative workshop

  A warm summer greeting to fairy tale lovers! Rosana is going to the sea. He wants to take with him a turtle, a parasol, a thick book, a ball and most importantly - his baby. But how will Rosana manage everything...

Important information
Krekov trg 2, opposite the funicular to Ljubljana Castle, , Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.


A warm summer greeting to fairy tale lovers!


Rosana is going to the sea. He wants to take with him a turtle, a parasol, a thick book, a ball and most importantly – his baby. But how will Rosana manage to take everything to the sea? Help us solve the puzzle on Wednesday, June 22, when we will read the book of the month - Pot na morje - Pot na morje in the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom. After reading the book, a creative workshop will follow, which will be a sign of the coming summer.


All children from three to ten years of age and everyone else who would be interested in the event are cordially invited!


Your Kres pod gradom bookstore team

contact: 041 338 808

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