
Mighty Mug - a glass that cannot tip over

Mighty Mug - a glass that does not tip over

No more pouring! The Mighty Mug is a glass that cannot tip over! Yes, you read that right! How many times in your life have you spilled something? Maybe you accidentally bumped the drink with your elbow, or you knocked over the glass when you were happily waving your arms while explaining. Or someone accidentally pushed you while carrying it. There are more scenarios. And with the Mighty Mug magic glass, pouring drinks and tipping glasses was unlocked!

The Mighty Mug it is a glass that you can't pour a drink with because it won't tip over. Many users have tested the fact that it works (see below) and shared their experience with us so that we can make sure that it is not a stretch. At the same time, it should be added that no David Copperfield is involved in this, he takes care of the "magic". special bottom, which miraculously prevents the glass from tipping over, no matter how hard we try.

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Several different glasses are available. From the classic for beer, thermos to a glass for on the go, and the price is pocket-friendly, as you will shell out between 15 and 27 euros for them! If you're more of the clumsy variety, these are definitely the glasses for you.

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