
Mini Museum - educational, portable and pocketable!

The Mini Museum can be placed right on the table. Photo: Mini Museum

No, Mini Museum is not an app as most might first think. It is a collection of historical objects that are displayed right in the home living room or on the desk.

Another hit with Kickstarter, which is not quite "classic". Her idea is not a year or two old, Hans Fex he has been developing the idea for the last 35 years and now he has developed it to the point where he can present it to the world. A case of a mini-museum collection of original historical objects, which we don't go to see in a museum, but have them on display right in our home.

Let's start at the beginning – Hans Fex is the son of a scientist and a researcher dr. Jörgen Fex, from whom he inherited the ideas, knowledge and joy of researching and collecting museum objects. Jörgen Fex drove his son every weekend museums, they reviewed everything together scientific journals, and he himself was also passionate collector. Thus, at the age of seven, Hans came up with the idea of a mini-museum and presented it to his father and his scientist friends, who helped him plan the collection. Together, they chose 20 items that should not be missing in the mini-museum and started collecting them.

Mini Museum. Photo: Mini Museum
Mini Museum. Photo: Mini Museum

It took 35 years, before the idea became feasible and today it is represented as Mini Museum. Every object that Hans collected he carefully broke into mini pieces and put each one in one "museum collection". It will certainly be superfluous to emphasize that each collection is its own handmade unique with an original piece of history!

It is, as Hans says, millions of years of life, science and research at our fingertips. A portable museum that takes the individual to a path of learning and research, includes a palm tree from Antarctica, dinosaur egg and teeth, stone from Mount Everest, a fragment of a ship Apollo 11, stone from the moon and a bunch of other interesting items, such as coral from the wreck of the Titanic, mammoth hair, a piece of cloth from an Egyptian mummy, a piece of the Berlin Wall and "Dracula" soil from Transylvania. These are personally designed in transparent tiles, which can be used both on the coffee table and on the desk and is interesting for all generations.

The collection also includes pieces of a human skull. Photo: Mini Museum
The collection also includes pieces of a human skull. Photo: Mini Museum

The collector wrote that it is intended for everyone between the ages of 7 and 122. The Mini Museum comes in three different dimensions. The large one has 33 items, the medium size includes 22 items, and the small version has 11 items. According to the current state of Kickstarter (fundraising is not over yet), the Mini Museum will be sold out before it actually goes on sale, as Hans only wanted to raise 27,700 euros , until today, 16 days before the end of the campaign, he has already collected 726,900 euros!

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