
Mini Projecteo became a Kickstarter success

Instagram Mini Projecteo

After the success of last year's Kickstarter, where it received as much as 84,000 dollars, the exciting mini Projecteo is available to all enthusiasts.

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Mini Instagram projector Projecteo is a projector that can be put right in your pocket. We are about him in City magazine already wrote last year, then this was one of them Kickstarter projects, who was waiting for his moment. And he experienced it, got as much as 84,000 dollars for his start-up, and in May the first enthusiasts could already play with the mini projector. Even if it is so small, it projects a big picture. Instagram user allows you to easily take a photo and share it on the Instagram network. These photos can be viewed via Projectea on a 35 mm film reel, each reel carrying nine photographs. Digital photography so it becomes tangible again with a mini projector. As expected, it works best in the dark and produces an image about 76 centimeters wide in excellent visibility.

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