
Minimalism of life: how to live with less and better

Less = more

Photo: envato

Are you ready to practice minimalism in your life? What is this anyway? The reasons for practicing minimalism vary from person to person. Some might say they do it for peace, happiness, or to make their daily lives easier.

How to clear your mind and surroundings to embrace a simpler life? Although it is a concept 'minimalism' gained a lot of attention in the last decade, the idea has been around for centuries.

What does minimalism mean in life? The goal of minimalist living is reduce and eliminate unnecessary ones aspects of life, to live simpler and more fully.

In today's time, when the wave of consumerism dominates the world, people are slowly focusing on thoughtful shopping and not just hoarding.


If you also want to get involved and practice the art of minimalist living, then here are some easy ways to get started:

1. Minimalism is about owning fewer things

Or rather, it's more about knowing what you have. Sometimes you have so many things that you often forget about those that are hidden in some corner! If you don't know what you have, then you have more than you need.

Minimalism is living with only the things you really need—those items that support our purpose and existence.


Take 10 minutes a day and try to sort out the things you haven't used in the last six months. Also think about why you bought them or why you thought you would use them.

Do this for a week and you'll find you have a bunch of stuff you forgot about. Give them to people who you think might need them and you will feel a satisfaction that cannot be described in words.

2. Minimalism is about meditation and practicing gratitude

Minimalism does not mean getting rid of the unwanted around you, but also unnecessary in you. Let go of the thoughts that distract you and lead you to a stressful life.

And the best way to achieve this is through meditation. Meditation will help you remove unnecessary thought patterns and beliefs that weigh you down when you want to make important decisions or focus on something important.

In order to embrace a simpler life, you need to be grateful for everything you have. Because meditation will help you remove unwanted thoughts, and the feeling of gratitude will direct your senses to appreciate the little things in life that you might not otherwise notice.

3. Minimalism is freedom from duplicity

Most people live in duplicity. Especially in times when social media have become such an important part of everyday life that people are often "brainwashed" and blindly follow trends.

For example, if you see someone putting on a nice shade of lipstick, you want it too, without knowing if that color will suit you or not!


When you start walking the paths of minimalism, you will slowly break all ties and you will no longer blindly follow the trend, you will live a more consistent life. There will be no stress. You will feel more confident.

4. Minimalism is a digital detox

Focus on your inner self. When you wake up, decide not to check social media first, but feel grateful for a new beautiful day.

Once you start practicing a digital detox, you'll automatically have more time for other things in your life—like cooking or reading, or perhaps indulging in a hobby.

5. Minimalism is about living life to the fullest

It is important to understand that living with less is in no way related to less life!

In fact, on the contrary, practicing minimalism will make you live longer and better. When you start having less, you will have less to worry about. When you stop spending money to accumulate unnecessary possessions, you will have enough time to travel and explore the world, for yourself.


You will slowly understand that experiences are more valuable than material goods and are intangible. The lessons you will learn from your experiences have no expiration date and will last a lifetime.

A simple life is completely within everyone's reach.

Once you've gone through the process of decluttering your life, or at least taking inventory of what you have, then you can find the space and clarity to think about what adds richness to your life and enjoy that life.

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