
Miracle remedy for mosquito bites: Banana peel stops itching instantly

Photo: envato

Have you ever felt a mosquito bite bring you to the brink of despair? Do you remember that moment when you were desperately searching for anything to relieve the unbearable itch? What to do after mosquito bites?

Have you already tried all possible methods to relieve the itch from mosquito bites, but nothing helped?

Mosquitoes are annoying companions on summer evenings, and their bites often cause unpleasant itching and swelling. Instead of resorting to chemical means, there is natural solution, which was discovered by one resourceful mother. This simple trick instantly eliminated her child's itching and quickly became popular among parents and social media users.

What did she use?

Banana peel

This mom shared a photo on her Instagram profile in which gently rubs the inside of the banana peel after mosquito bites on the child's body. In her post, she wrote: “Just peel a banana and gently rub the inside on the mosquito bites. The itching goes away immediately.”

Many parents have shared their experiences and enthusiasm for the effectiveness of banana peels in the comments.

The photo quickly gained popularity and many were impressed by this simple but effective trick. One user commented: “I didn't know about that. Mosquitoes love me and the bites become really unbearable. I will definitely try it next time.”

One mother wrote: “My daughter is constantly attacked by mosquitoes. No matter how much repellent we use, it is always full of stings. We will definitely try this method next time.”

Why does a banana peel work?

Banana peels contain natural oils and enzymes that help soothe the skin and reduce itching. This natural method is not only effective, but also safe for use by children and adults.

Protect yourself from mosquitoes. Photo: Pixabay

Here are some additional tips to protect yourself from mosquito bites:

  • Use of repellents: Natural repellants such as lavender, lemongrass and eucalyptus essential oils can help repel mosquitoes.
  • Wear protective clothing: Long sleeves and long pants can help prevent mosquito bites, especially at dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active.
  • Avoid standing water: Mosquitoes breed in standing water, so make sure there is no standing water around your home where mosquitoes can breed.
  • Use of mosquito nets: Installing screens on windows and doors can help prevent mosquitoes from entering your home.

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