
Mirror Interactive Home Gym: almost invisible interactive fitness in the comfort of your home

Sports equipment that simply disappears when not in use can be described as the holy grail of home gyms. Such words can be used to describe a unique innovation in the field of sports.

Sports accessory Mirror Interactive Home Gym it can be used in a standing position or attached to the wall.

His LCD screen hides behind a reflective surface, so after switching off it will work as an ordinary mirror. With its help, you will be able to connect with professional coaches who will share advice via stereo sound system.

Users will choose between different types of exercise, such as cardio, strength, yoga, pilates, and others. It will also be possible to adjust level of difficulty. The system is therefore suitable for both beginners and professional athletes. At the same time it includes wireless heart rate monitors. It is also compatible with the watch Apple Watch.

For the miracle mirror will have to be deducted 1,495 US dollars, which is calculated 1,291 euros. Monthly subscription in the amount of 39 US dollars respectively 34 euros will give you access to more than 50 training programs per week.

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