
I miss her, she misses her

The humorously touching narrative will be a guest at many festivals this summer. So we will be able to see Romano Kranjčan with a team of dancers and musicians. Combining a huge number of musical genres, outstanding cabaret dance scores and a humorous narrative, the show remains one of the must-see shows this summer. ...

Important information
Cultural Center Tržič, Trg svobode 18, Tržič
Facebook event
Entrance fee

The humorously touching narrative will be a guest at many festivals this summer. So we will be able to see Romano Kranjčan with a team of dancers and musicians. Combining a huge number of musical genres, outstanding cabaret dance scores and a humorous narrative, the show remains one of the must-see shows this summer. In addition to Tržič, in the following days we can also see her at the Lent Festival and Slovenjgraške summer.

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