
Young art

This time, the Repyartrium art tunnel exhibition presents a selection of art works by students of the 8th and 9th grades of primary schools from Piran, Izola, Koper, Trieste and a school from Istria, Croatia. In cooperation with principals and art teachers, we will enter the world of images of generations, which is on the threshold of maturity. ...

Important information
Tunel Valeta, Senčna pot, Portorož
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free

Tokratna tunelska razstava likovnikov Repyartrium predstavlja izbor likovnih del učencev 8. in 9. razredov osnovnih šol iz Pirana, Izole, Kopra, Trsta in šole iz hrvaške Istre. V sodelovanju z ravnatelji in likovnimi pedagogi bomo vstopili v svet podob generacij, ki je na pragu zrelosti. Doživetju daje dodatno vrednost ambient razstave.

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