The rules of a good partnership!

Moaning, screaming or whispering? Men revealed what they like to hear in bed!

Excited screams, erotic moans, sweet whispers? What do men like to hear in bed? They shared their wishes on the Reddit portal.

You probably know that even one wrong word in bed can spoil the whole mood. But there are also sounds or words that only inflame passions even more. On Reddit, men shared what they like to hear from women — and they're not as demanding or perverted as some people think.

1. Expressions of sincere joy and passion

  • "Honest enthusiasm."
  • "She doesn't have to say anything, it's enough for her to moan with pleasure."
  • “A passionate moan.”
  • “An expression of sincere passion.”

2. "Please, more."

  • “I love the loud moaning, dirty talking and 'begging' for more!”
  • "I love it when he looks into my eyes and says, 'Please come inside me.' I'm totally freaking out about it."
  • "That he really wants me."

3. Everything but nothing

  • "It's all right, it doesn't matter if it's dirty talking or loud moaning. If she is calm and quiet, it quickly spoils my mood."
  • "Everything but silence."
  • "Whatever. I prefer a few words, a few moans - it's all OK. It's only quiet if I'm doing something wrong..."
Just one wrong word can spoil the whole mood in bed...

4. Instructions

  • "Instructions on what to do and what she likes."
  • “Some instructions, like what she likes and what she doesn't like.”

5. Sincerity

  • "I would like to hear that it is one hundred percent with the matter. I don't need any special sounds or words. If it moans loudly, it's fine. Instructions 'Here!' and 'Faster!' they are great. But I have to believe that all this is not just a show he is putting on for me. And please, no 'oh, daddy'.”
  • "I don't like it when she teases me and laughs at me... She needs to focus on what's going on between the sheets."

Um, who would have thought? Most men seem to want (to hear) that women entertain and enjoy games between the sheets.

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