
The Veš Kaj Eš mobile application helps you choose foods

With the aim of offering consumers quick, simple and comprehensible information about the nutritional composition of food, the Institute of Nutrition, the Jožef Stefan Institute and the Consumers' Association of Slovenia have jointly developed the free mobile application Veš Kaj as part of the Innovative Solutions for Informed Decisions program, which is co-financed by the Ministry of Health Ješ, which presents the nutritional profile of the selected food to the consumer in three steps in the colors of a traffic light: CHOOSE - SCAN - CHECK!

Legislation has been defining mandatory labeling of prepackaged foods for several years with nutritional value, but consumer responses prove that many people don't use this information because they simply don't understand it, don't have time to compare, or don't even notice it. Scientific research showed some time ago that consumers use this type of information more often if it is displayed in a simpler and more comprehensible form. For this purpose, a nutrition labeling system was developed, which indicates key information with traffic light colors, from green to red. The researchers found that with the data presented in this way, the majority can distinguish between the "good" and "less good" nutritional profile of the food and it is significantly easier to choose food with a more favorable nutritional composition.

Application You know what you eat is connected to an extensive database containing information on the composition of prepackaged foods. The consumer can take photos either in the store or at home with the smartphone camera food bar code, and the application shows him in no time key information about its nutritional composition, explained in the colors of the nutritional traffic light. If the food is not yet in the database, it suggests supplementing the database.

Simply visit Play Store or  iTunes and download the app.  And next time instead of the inscription light on the packaging, decides (traffic) light in the mobile application You know what you eat, which product will land in your shopping cart.

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