
A modern backyard office for anyone who works from home

Working from home is becoming more and more trendy, and it definitely works to stay in the future. Technology enables this type of work, the law allows it, and employers happily support it.

OfficePOD is an office that was developed with everyone who works from home in mind, as well as all companies that have extremely limited office space. OfficePOD can be placed right in the yard, garden, in the middle of the lobby and elsewhere. It is ideal for anyone who finds it difficult to separate the work area from the relaxation area and for anyone who is reluctant to invite business partners to their home, around the kitchen table. OfficePOD works like a real office and thus provides a working and above all business atmosphere, which is also important when concluding deals and signing contracts.

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Let's take a look at the diverse models of OfficePOD home offices in the gallery.

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