
Modern Warfare 3

Is there anyone out there who has at least a little interest in technology and its fringes, but hasn't heard of the game Call of Duty? Maybe a handful. The Call of Duty series has become a trademark of the last...

Is there anyone out there who has at least a little interest in technology and its fringes, but hasn't heard of the game Call of Duty? Maybe a handful. The Call of Duty series, with its gameplay, graphics and, of course, an unforgettable multiplayer experience became a trademark the last generation of consoles (and personal computers). CoD: Modern Warfare 3 intends to continue her legacy of explosive campaigns in a story that will follow the events of CoD: Modern Warfare 2 - Russian forces continue their invasion of the United States, and the fighting has also spread to Europe, including England, France and Germany, and other parts of the world. Modern Warfare 3 will us pleased with the new Survival mode, in which two players will compete in a split screen or online face an endless barrage of enemies, and each subsequent wave will be progressively more challenging. Do our fingers itch yet?


Price: from 40 euros, available in Big Bang branches or at www.bigbang.si

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