
Modern times

Directed and acted by: Charles Chaplin. This time, the little wanderer is trapped in an increasingly crazy, increasingly industrialized modern world, which is only made sense by the hero's love for a young homeless woman. The last performance of the character of the little vagabond on the big screen, which led Chaplin to world fame and more...

Important information
Kinoteka, Retrospektiva Charles Chaplin
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Režija in igra: Charles Chaplin.

Mali potepuh je tokrat ukleščen v vedno bolj poblaznel, vedno bolj industrializiran moderni svet, ki ga osmišlja samo še junakova ljubezen do mlade brezdomke. Zadnji nastop lika malega potepuha na velikem platnu, ki je Chaplina popeljal do svetovne slave in še dandanes velja za najbolj univerzalno prepoznavno fiktivno podobo človeka v zgodovini umetnosti. »Briljanten niz komičnih domislic in skečev. Nedvomno filmski dogodek leta.« (Thornton Delehanty, New York Post, 1936.)


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