
The private Boeing 747 is a palace in the clouds

For most people, private jets such as the Gulfstream G650, a $65 million steel bird, or the Bombardier Global Series are the definition of aviation luxury. But there are a handful of people who can afford even more. In order to meet such demands, both Airbus and Boeing have begun to build prestigious VIP versions of their passenger planes. They are mostly conversions of smaller models, but even luxury has its excess - Boeing 747-8 VIP.

Redesigned prestigious VIP version of the Boeing 747-8, the palace of all palaces in the clouds, is the most prestigious aviation order to date and is already with an unnamed owner. Jewel of the sky, as they are called at Boeing, which releases such versions of the aircraft under the Boeing Business Jet brand (Airbus' line of this type is called the Airbus Corporate Jet) and was completed at Greenpoint Technologies, on 4786 square meters it offers prestigious cabins, lounge, office, conference room, divine bedroom and gigantic dining room.

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The Boeing 747-8 VIP is otherwise the longest and second largest passenger plane in the world and a true camel among aircraft, as it can last as much as 8,000 thousand nautical miles without refueling (almost 15 thousand kilometers).

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