
Mojca's beautiful world - a musical for children

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SiTi Theater BTC, Ljubljana
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Entrance fee
5 €

Tomaž Lapajne Dekleva, Kajetan and Alice Čop


A musical for children


A fun and colorful performance by Tomaž Lapajna Dekleva, Kajetan and Alice Čop, performed by children's animator Mojca Robič, cute aliens Lileja and Lilaja, and dancers from the Spin Dance School.

Lila and Lila's aliens land on Earth with the important task of finding the most beautiful thing on Earth - and taking it home. Through songs, Mojca slowly reveals to them the secrets of the Earth and its inhabitants: people, animals, plants, everything we feel and what surrounds us. The songs help them to discover together what is the most beautiful thing on Earth - friendship...

And friendship is the red thread of the show. You will realize that it does not matter who you are or where you come from - if you are kind to others, you will find true friends. Rain, snow or shine, if you are with friends, you will always have fun and have a good time. And if you preserve nature together with them, the world will be beautiful! He will be just like Mojčin.




Dance teacher and children's animator Mojca Robič, 10-year-old Lučka Robič as the alien Lila and 14-year-old Katarina Kumer as the alien Lile play and sing in the play. For many years, the three-feathered clover has been entertaining and delighting children in schools, kindergartens, at various events and in the television show Mojca in medvedek Jaka with musical and animation performances. In the play Mojča lepi svet, she is accompanied on stage by dancers from the Spin dance school. The musical is also distinguished by heartfelt songs by renowned musicians, a humorous script by production masters Tomaž Lapajna Dekleva and Kajetan and Alice Čop, and excellent choreography by Mojca Robič. 




Screenplay: Tomaž Lapajna Dekleva, Alice and Kajetan Čop

Direction and dramaturgy: Alice and Kajetan Čop

Song lyrics: Klavdija Bizjak, Mojca Robič, Grega Sulejmanovič

Music and arrangement: Igor Potočnik, Martin Pustinek, David Sredenšek, Grega Sulejmanovič, Boštjan Grabnar

Sound effects: Gorazd Planko

Scenography: Boštjan Majcen, Kajetan Čop

Image: Boštjan Majcen


Main roles: Mojca Robič, Katarina Kumer, Lučka Robič

Dancers of the Spin Dance School: Nuša Osrečki, Šuhra Muharemović, Taja Vidmar, Lara Krneža, Laura Skale, Melanie Gričnik, Melani Sevšek, Anja Širovnik, Pia Katarina Kremžar and Anja Kos

Choreography: Mojca Robič


Producer: Rumba, PijaR / www.glasbaingledalisce.si
Co-producer: Šoštanj Culture Institute


Web page: www.lepisvet.si

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Moj%C4%8Din-lepi-svet/103497769806875?ref=hl



  • at Eventima points of sale: Citypark (Ticket house), Info point BTC - Hall A, Petrol services, Kompas branches, Big Bang stores, Tivoli Hall, Križanka ticket office...

·         online pre-sale: http://www.eventim.si/si/vstopnice/mojcin-lepi-svet-premiera-ljubljana-siti-teater-btc-275595/event.html

  • telephone pre-sale: 01 420 5000 (Mon – Sat: 8.00 – 18.00)
  • one hour before the performance at the box office in front of the hall (if the performance is NOT sold out)


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