
Momax: universal phone lenses for the best photography

Momax lenses for smartphone

No, it's not Momax that sells furniture, it's a set of universal smartphone photography lenses that can turn any smartphone into a high-performance camera. Attach the holder to the phone, mount the desired lens and start taking photos.

Smart phones are increasingly taking over the role compact digital cameras, as they are practically no longer behind them in terms of quality. Therefore, it is logical that many appeared on the market photographic lenses intended for smartphones, with which they even started going "into the cabbage patch". DSLR- I eat. One such "hook" is certain Momax, set universal lenses, which you can use on any smartphone and get the most out of its digital camera.

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Momax lenses are the pinnacle of design and technology.
Momax lenses are the pinnacle of design and technology.

In the Momax package you get, among other things fish eye (fish eye lens), wide angle lens, lens with polarizing filter and macro lens. Changing lenses is as simple as inserting chips in a four-in-a-row game, as well holder assembly, which clings to any phone and leaves no trace (read: scratch) behind.

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