
Monolith - The first motorized skateboard on Kickstarter

Monolith, a skate with motors in wheels.

Motorized skateboards are not new, and most of them are recognizable from afar, as they have a battery or a motor on the back. Monolith is the first skateboard with motors right in the wheels, which means that it will be hard to tell it apart from the usual ones. The only thing that will betray you is the fact that you are not driving, but you are still happily moving. She has already raised enough start-up funds on Kickstarter.

Monolith is the first skateboard with motors in the wheels, and surprisingly, it got its name not from this feature, but from its one-piece construction. In this way, even in the name, it hides its true character. Hers batteries are replaceable (so if you have a spare set, you don't have to wait for charging), and with some additional payment you get a "fast" charger next to the board, which is able to charge the largest battery from zero to 100% already in three quarters of an hour. Why the biggest?

The Monolith skate will kick your ass with its abilities. But only figuratively.
The Monolith skate will kick your ass with its abilities. But only figuratively.

Because they exist three different sizes, from pocket to slightly larger, so you can choose the one that suits your needs. You can charge them while they are still in the wheels (via the USB port or distance) or separately (wheels are removable without tools). Otherwise, the standard charger takes ”from the bottom to the top” for charging 90 minutes, and the autonomy of the battery lasts for a long time 16 kilometers, and its power can also be used to charging other devices.

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Despite its advanced technology, which includes front and rear lights, RFLX remote control, regenerative braking mechanism (recharges batteries) and mobile Vision app, which, like the remote control, comes into contact with the board via Bluetooth LE technology, it is 5.5-kilogram The Monolith handles like any classic skate, with the difference that it can reach speeds of up to 39 km/h without propulsion. And how do you manage speed? Via the RFLX remote, while statistics and battery status are reported by the app. Now quickly on Kickstarter, to order your Monolith and start the summer in style.

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