
Design month

Thirty days of creativity, good ideas, beautiful views, selected get-togethers and new experiences await us, brought to the streets, boutiques and showrooms by the biggest design event in this part of the world. In the coming days, we will have plenty of reasons to walk around the city with eyes wide open, because we are...

Important information
different locations, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
from 0 to 190 euros

Thirty days of creativity, good ideas, beautiful views, selected get-togethers and new experiences await us, brought to the streets, boutiques and showrooms by the biggest design event in this part of the world. We will have plenty of reasons to walk around the city with eyes wide open in the coming days, because the unexpected awaits us at every turn. As we are used to, we will search for or release our ideas in 'Event Boxes', boxes where professional and user views come together in a creative dialogue. Various designers will look for old, re- or used corners and turn them into Case boxes, boxes of imagination and a different view of urban space. Showcases, slightly different presentations of shop windows, boutiques, galleries, museums also flirt with street transformations... On the first day of the Design Month, we will also be able to come into direct contact with designers, as they will personally present their products and give us an insight into the All Design Product Expo. into their way of thinking. The main event of the month remains the opening celebration, when awards will be given to the best. This year, individual foreign designers and companies that are changing the world of design for the better are also competing for awards. At the same time as the grand opening, Stage 180° - ''What's Next?'', a stage of rich, energy-filled presentations of brands, products and companies, connected by creative thinking and aesthetic implementation of ideas linked to our geographical space, also opens. Chefs and bartenders will also provide a special atmosphere at the ceremony, as they will design food and drinks for this occasion that combine good taste with an attractive appearance. Among the more than a hundred events during the month of design, we should not miss Flower & Fashion Design, a fashion magazine that brings together the best of the world of fashion and flowers, the Explore & Engage conference and the Big trip to Venice for the Architecture Biennale. 

With you since 2004

From 2004 we research urban trends and inform our community of followers daily about the latest in lifestyle, travel, style and products that inspire with passion. From 2023, we offer content in major global languages.