
Moonsplash Festival

In addition to numerous electronic music events, Ibiza Croatia is hosting the three-day Moonsplash festival at the Aquarius club. Electro-house sensation Laidback Luke, DJ and producer Riva Starr and Italian electronic music giant Benny Benassi will further heat up the already hot atmosphere in ...

Important information
Klub Aquarius, Zrće, Novalja, Hrvaška, ,
Facebook event
Entrance fee
36,50 evra.

Hrvaška Ibiza poleg številnih dogodkov elektronske glasbe v klubu Aquarius
gosti trodnevni Moonsplash festival. Electro-house senzacija Laidback Luke,
dj in producent Riva Starr in italijanski velikan elektronske glasbe Benny Benassi
bodo še dodatno ogreli že tako vroče ozračje v Zrćah.

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