
Motoped Pro: a cross between a motorcycle and a mountain bike

There is nothing more fun than a fast ride on two wheels. It's only more fun if you have to pay for registrations or something for tons. If you love small motorcycles or big mountain bikes, the Motoped Pro will be perfect for you.

Moped Pro is based around steel frame, into which you can let's install small Honda engines. Motoped Pro has quite a few shapes and versions, among which the individual can choose the one that suits him best. The most common version has a front fork with mountain bike-style shocks, but you have a choice of rears 6- or 8-inch single spring with shock absorber. Motoped Pro offers motors in sizes from 49 to 125 cubic centimeters, but if you wish, you can buy it without a motor and use it as a bike, or you can install a motor of a suitable size yourself. While you will be able to drive without registration due to the legislation abroad, you will have to in Slovenia due to the tightening of the legislation to register also the Motoped Pro motorcycle. But only if it has a built-in engine.


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