A hair dryer is not only an indispensable tool for styling hair, but it can also be used for various purposes in the household. From removing water stains to helping you apply nail polish, see how versatile this everyday item can be.
Hair dryer it's not just for drying hair. With a little ingenuity, it can become one of the most useful tools in your household. The next time you encounter one of these problems, remember that the solution may already be in your bathroom drawer.
1. Remove water stains from wooden furniture
If they are on your wooden furniture remaining water stains, they can remove with a hair dryer. Direct the warm air directly onto the stain, being careful to hold the blow dryer far enough away to avoid damaging the wood. The heat will help the water to evaporate, and after a few minutes the stain should be gone. This method is fast and does not require chemicals.
2. Clean the dust from sensitive objects
Hair dryer is an excellent tool for cleaning dust from sensitive objects, such as artwork or electronic devices. Set the hair dryer to a cool setting and gently direct the air at the items to blow away the dust. This method avoids the need for scrubbing, which could damage sensitive surfaces.
3. Remove traces of crayons and other types of wax
Did the kids leave crayon marks on the table? Don't worry, a hair dryer can come to the rescue. Direct it warm air on wax marks, to soften the wax, then simply wipe it off with a cloth. A hair dryer is also useful for removing wax from candlesticks or other surfaces.
4. Remove the stickers
If you are struggling to remove stickers or labels, direct warm air hair dryer on a sticky surface. The heat will soften the adhesive, making it much easier to remove the sticker. This method is ideal for removing price tags from new products or stickers on glass.
5. Help with nail polish application
If you are in a hurry and want to nail polish dries quickly, use a hair dryer. Set it to cold and direct the air onto your freshly painted nails. The cold air will speed up the drying of the polish, so you can get on with your daily tasks more quickly.
Photo: Grabowska/Pexels
6. Defrosting the freezer
To quickly defrosting the freezer use a hair dryer. Direct the warm air inside the freezer, which will speed up the melting of the ice. This method is especially convenient when you are in a hurry and cannot wait for the ice to melt naturally.