
Morning routine without Instagram: All that glitters is not gold

Photo: Yan Krukov / Pexels

Experts say that developing healthy morning habits is crucial. So what can we do to start the day better and what if we simply don't have time for it?

Recently, influencers often publish details of themselves morning routines, which includes making coffee, meditating, writing in a gratitude journal, listening to a “podcast” or audiobook, and stretching, among other things. This whole process takes approx two hours.

Photo: Brooke Lark/Unsplash

The truth is that many (perhaps too many) people imitate these habits that they can encourage bad conscience. So change the details and hang up the phone. When you get up, make your own favorite breakfast, coffee and get comfortable. Whatever you do, watch, listen to, let it be content positive. If possible, stay in the sun. Breathe deeply and calmly. Remember that you are important now and not others. Do you have any books? Great! Why not read it right now?

What if I just don't have time for a morning routine?

It's definitely nice to start the day in a wonderful, calming way. But for many people, this seems quite impractical. But the most important thing is to make time for what you really value and love. Of course, this does not mean that it will be easy, as unforeseen matters can happen. Work schedules change, kids wake up in the middle of the night, you have extra work and not enough sleep, but it's important to find a way to stick to a morning routine and stick to it.

Photo: Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels

There are these on social media concepts of morning routines presented in a way that puts luxury front and center. As a result, you feel like you need silk pajamas, fancy candles, organic green juice, expensive moisturizer, high-end fitness equipment, and the like. No, you don't need that sparkle to start your day on a good and positive note. If you are in a hurry and don't have this time for yourself, don't worry. It won't be the end of the world. If you have a routine or not, that is your morning and it's good to start it positively.

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