
Mortadeljada 2013 – Ljubljana

Important information
MediaPark hall (next to POP TV), Kranjčeva 20, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
€5 in advance and for KGŠ members, €7 on the day of the event

This year too KGŠ (Klub Goriški Študentov) is giving an annual party marathon MORTADELJADA. In the Gorica beat, for the nineteenth time in a row the floors will shake in Nova Gorica, Ljubljana and Koper, where great music will resound and it will smell like mortadella. Once again, all young people, both in age and spirit, are invited to join this festival. In addition to great music and an exceptional coastal atmosphere, every participant will be rewarded with delicious slices of mortadella, which is a trademark. Mortadeljade.

KGŠ they did not forget those in need this year either. Part of the money from the sold tickets will be donated Association of Friends of Youth for the project Wink at the sun, where they will make sure that the children from socially disadvantaged families enjoyed a little sun on a real vacation. The second part of this proceeds will be donated to a nineteen-year-old Sebastijan Bahur, who was recently seriously injured while competing at the motocross championship in Italy.


Opening of Mortadeljade in Nova Gorica, Marco Polo club, March 15 at 9:00 p.m

The first part of the marathon Mortadeljada 2013 will be held March 15, at 9 p.m, in the Novorossiysk club Marco Polo with groups Motorfire, Steam Roller Tribute and Mambo Kings. He will take care of the animation DJ Lovro. 


Mortadeljada in Ljubljana, MediaPark hall (Kranjčeva 20), March 20 at 9:30 p.m

This time the focus of the action will move to the hall of MediaPark, next to POP TV, and the mortadella will be fragrant March 20, at 9:30 p.m.  They will entertain us Lovšin pen, Taboo and Sausages.  He will provide a great atmosphere DJ Lovro.


Mortadeljada in Koper, Planet Tuš, March 27 at 9:30 p.m

This year's marathon will come to an end March 27 in Koper Planet Tuš, at 9:30 p.m, where groups will provide entertainment Escobars, Big Foot Mom, The Users and DJ Lovro.


Tickets in Nova Gorica, Ljubljana and Koper:  €4 in advance and for KGŠ members, €6 on the day of the event.

Sales points: M-servis branches and info point KGŠ.



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