
The most creative kitchen gadgets

Kitchen utensils are an essential part of every kitchen. But who says they have to be boring by default. Creativity begins with kitchen tools and equipment, not just with the combination of ingredients and arrangements. Nessie has been searched for centuries in Loch Ness, but apparently they're looking in the wrong place, as she's found herself in soups. Well, at least an imitation of this ladle-shaped monster.

While the kitchen needs many kitchen utensils, and theirs creativity and originality is not a requirement for a delicious dish. However, cooking is an art of its own and every good dish needs a few magical touches to make it stand out. And what's better than salt shaker in the shape of a magic wand, with the help of which you will enchant your guests with taste.

READ MORE: Famous "chefs": From chef to businessman

Check out the fun cooking tools in the gallery

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