
The most magical caves in the world

Batu Caves in Malaysia

At the mention of caves, the first association for most of us is the Postojna Cave with a human fish, stalactites, stalagmites and a train. Although Slovenia is also famous for the incredible beauty of the cave world, looking at the photos of the most magical caves in the world, you will see that we also have some serious cave rivals around the world.

A cave is probably not very often on the list of places one would like to be. Darkness, cold, dampness and tiny, not at all cuddly animals are higher on the list of things a normal person wants to avoid. But caves can also be a place of incredible magic, where you get the feeling of being closer to the earth both physically and metaphorically.

READ MORE: The most unusual islands in the world

See the most magical caves in the world in our photo gallery!

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