
The most spectacular jumps with rally cars - rally drivers as ski jumpers

Breakneck rally jumps

Cars are not airplanes, with remarkably few concepts. They generally feel and perform best when all four wheels are in contact with the ground and are firmly on the ground. But many cars still think they can fly. These are often vehicles competing in the World Rally Championship (WRC), which often confuse their identity with aircraft. Check out the most spectacular car jumps that will take your breath away!

Jumps they are one of the most spectacular parts of the rally, although the driver does not actually gain anything from them. As opposed to racing video games like Need for Speed, where we get extra points for jumps, in the WCR Championship drivers do not get a deduction of seconds at the finish, nor other bonuses for aesthetic input, that's why it is bonus for viewers. But the line between the excitement of the fans at the track and the accident is very thin, because the cars in the air feel like fish out of water.

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At rallies, we can witness many similar scenes, which are usually accompanied by loud sighs from the spectators.
At rallies, we can witness many similar scenes, which are usually accompanied by loud sighs from the spectators.

However, many rally tracks have sections where rally vehicles can they fly like ski jumpers from a springboard. It's an example rally in Sweden (which refutes the above statement that jumps in reality do not bring anything), where on the speedway SS16 there is a section called Collins Crest (named after the legendary Colin McRae), where the prize for the longest jump is awarded. The world record recently fell here, because it is Eyvind Brynildsen flew right into the Ford Fiesta R5 45 meters! Rally Sardinia (Rally d'Italia Sardegna), which took place these days, also boasts fertile ground for breakaway jumps. Take a look the most spectacular jumps with rally cars that will take your breath away.

Longest rally car jump:

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