

The month that begins with Day of the Dead and ends with Merry December has been renamed Movember. Gentlemen or boys, we grow mustaches all month to raise awareness of male diseases and prevention, and collect charitable contributions for research and prevention of male diseases, especially prostate cancer. ...

Important information
Pri Zelene Zajce, Lepa Žoga, Dobra Vila, Pivoljub, Gostilna Skaručna, Cafe Čokl, Mič Styling, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

The month that begins with Day of the Dead and ends with Merry December has been renamed Movember. Gentlemen or boys, we grow mustaches throughout the month to raise awareness of male diseases and prevention and collect charitable contributions for research and prevention of male diseases, especially prostate cancer. The events take place throughout the month, and the closing party on March 30 will be particularly popular.

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