
Moveo - a portable electric scooter that folds into a travel case

The Moveo folding electric scooter

Folding bikes are nothing new, but a folding scooter is probably a bit more difficult to imagine, at least in terms of the "bulkness" that a scooter has compared to a bicycle. A Moveo is an environmentally friendly portable electric scooter that folds into a travel case and is therefore no less a scooter than classic scooters. It can take you 35 kilometers on a charge that takes just one hour, and even further with an additional battery.

Moveo is a portable electric scooter that folds into a travel case. It was created in Hungary by a non-profit organization Antro Nonprofit Ltd, which deals with development environmentally friendly means of transport. "Pocket" and modern designed scooter weighs everything due to the carbon body 25 kilograms, and the air cuts at a speed of up to max 45 km/h, to which accelerates v 5.4 seconds. 500 W battery with 2000 charge and discharge cycles delivers energy to the electric motors in the wheels.

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When you arrive at your destination with the Moveo scooter, you don't have to worry by finding a parking space, especially one where he wouldn't get a leg. In two minutes you cut it in half and you can take it with you to the office and other indoor spaces, on the train, on the bus,… in addition, there are engine parts that could get you dirty, hidden in the case and you cannot contact them.

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